Bradley Manning lawyer: White House review found 'leak' did no real damage

Manning's defence team says White House inquest concluded that WikiLeaks documents had no impact on national security

The US army intelligence analyst suspected of giving classified material to WikiLeaks says a White House review has concluded that the alleged leaks did no real damage to national security.

Bradley Manning's defence attorney made the claim in a court filing he released publicly on Monday.

The filing also claims a defence department review found that all the information allegedly leaked was either dated, represented low-level opinions, or was already known because of previous public disclosures.

Manning is seeking the reports to aid in his defence.

His lawyer also contends it was common for soldiers to add unauthorised software to their work computers. Two of the 22 counts Manning faces allege he added unauthorised programs to his work station.

Manning's first hearing is set for 16 December at Fort Meade. 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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